LEP Fitness


The Quickest & Best Fat Burning Workout In The World…

The Quickest & Best Fat Burning Workout In The World

The most popular question I get asked . . .

“What is The Quickest & Best Fat Burning Workout In The World?”

If I had a £ for every time somebody asked me this question . . .

Well . . .

I would be able to afford 3 Ferraris, a 10 bedroom mansion, a yacht and have gold platted teeth!


Ok slight exaggeration, but hopefully you take my point, it gets asked alot.

So what is The Quickest & Best Fat Burning Workout In The World?

Before I share the secret here’s a couple of things you need to know about FATTTT!

In order to burn 1 lb of fat you need to burn  3,500 calories.

That is . . .

14 Mars Bars (250 calories each)


6 BIG MACS (580 calories each)



Thats a lot?


You can get rid of fat by 2 ways . . .

  1. by increasing output (exercise)
  2. by reducing input (calories)

The problem is . . .

People spend years abusing their bodies . . .

Diet and train for a few weeks and either . . .

  1. expect their body to return to the way it was 5 years ago (not gonna happen!)
  2. lose some weight through extreme exercising/dieting and end up damaging their metabolism longterm + end up eventually binge eating and end up back to either square 1 or much worse off!

Problemzzz . . .

Unhealthy relationships with food (labelling food good and bad) This is DANGEROUSSSSS!

It is a fact that people who YO-Yo diet end up putting on more body fat over time.

I think this is worth repeating . . .

It is a fact that people who YO-Yo diet end up putting on more body fat over time!!!!

We search for quick fixes, and answers to the following questionzzzz . . .

What is The Best Diet Pill?

What is The Quickest & Best Fat Burning Workout In The World?

Seriously if this is you (I have been there to) we need to change your approach and beliefs when it comes to weight loss otherwise . . .


Anyhooo . . .

The answer to What is The Quickest & Best Fat Burning Workout In The World?

. . . . . . .

It does not exist!

There is no quickest or best fat burning workout in the world.


Are you kidding?

I have read this far for you to tell me it does not exist?



It is the truth it just does not exist.

Working out is very important and it can help you to burn fat, especially the likes of weight circuit training. Where you perform compound lifts (squats, deadlifts, shoulder press, bench press, etc, etc) with minimal rest and high intensity.

But the real answer lies . . .

In the diet!

or Nutrition as I like to call it.

Diet has negative connotations attached to it (deprivation, restriction, misery, etc!)

I prefer labelling it nutrition because . . .

Nutrition to me means : freedom of choice, giving your body what it needs to function optimally (performance and mental agility), by providing the body with the right energy and fuel sources to lead an enhanced, and richer lifestyle.

If you eat consistently well (I’m not talking about 4 weeks here, but much longer) over time your body will heal, and you will burn fat.

The trade off is that it takes time.

But remember anything in life worth having, requires time and effort otherwise we would all be doing it.

As I said earlier if you have spent years abusing your body it will take time to heal.

So the real secret is . . .


Do this overtime and you will get results and burn fat.

Consistency is KEY!

Consistency is KEY!

Consistency is KEY!

What is the KEY again?

I hope you said . . . CONSISTENCY!


I have also written a post on some of the best fat burning foods which you can read here

I will leave you with this short video by highly regarded fitness professional and owner of UP Fitness Nick Mitchell, he articulates  his own opinion on the Quickest & Best Fat Burning Workout In The World . . .

If your looking for a specific nutritional program, guidance and full support please visit the Custom Meal Plan page . You can also contact me here if you would like me to help you.


