LEP Fitness


How Technology Can Take Personal Training Online…


Online Personal Training…

How Technology Can Take Personal Training Online...

Starting a business can be daunting, but with the Internet you’ve got a fantastic tool available to you. If used correctly, you can get ahead with any business and make money, but the Internet is especially helpful if you’re running an online personal training business.

#1 Growing Your Business Online

Take advantage of the popularity of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instragram and Snapchat; they can help to grow your online business fast. This is because customers’ attention is focused on these platforms. According to statista.com, worldwide there are over 2.14 billion people currently using social media, with an increase to 2.95 billion expected by 2020.

With these kinds of numbers, your audience is not going to be limited to people in your local area visiting a gym you own or work at. You’ll be able to expand your reach and get clients from across the world.

#2 The Benefits of Your Own Website

Before you start signing clients, you’ll need to do a few things. Starting a new business online doesn’t have to be hard, and online personal training can be a perfect fit for it. You’ll already have your social media accounts made, so now you can work on your website. This is so you can direct followers to your site.

Getting your own website will be beneficial, because you’ll be able to reach billions of people online. A website allows you to share valuable fitness and health related content to your audience via blogging, and also allows you to advertise your online personal training services. You could also make extra money by signing up to affiliate programs, like Amazon Affiliates and by cultivating partnerships with supplements/gym clothing brands where you earn a referral commission.

#3 Creating and Distributing Your Content

You’ve got your social media accounts, and your website. Now what? Creating content is how you’ll gain followers and drive traffic to your site. For more information on how to create blogging content check out an earlier post I wrote – How to Start A Health & Fitness Blog.

Content for your personal training business can also be in the form of video tutorials on how to use equipment, or even nutrition guides that you upload to your site. Video is one of the best tool you have for content creation, with YouTube having over a billion users alone.

#4 Driving Traffic To Your Website

For those of you who are willing to invest in paid advertising you could also generate tons of new followers, enquiries and paying customers. Some of the most popular paid advertising methods are Google Adwords and Facebook Ads.

A combination of providing valuable content, engaging with your audience and paying for advertising all work extremely well at building an online community of paying customers and fans who cannot wait to read your latest blog post!