LEP Fitness


Lessons learned from running a personal training business

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For the past 4 years i’ve run a company called LEP Fitness. Here’s a handful of things i’ve learned along the way…

You can’t help everyone

There are lots of people who need you help but not everyone wants it! In order to help someone they need to be in the right frame of mind, and have a willingness and desire to learn and improve their current situation.

When I started out in business I thought I could help everyone! I was wrong! One of the things i’ve done the last couple of years is make-sure that i’m working with the right clients and spending time with like minded individuals. Figure out what you want, who you can help and then go make it happen.

You need to find your ‘why’

Knowing why you are in business is key.  It took me a couple of years to realise this! For me there are 2 deep underlying philosophies that drive my life and LEP Fitness:

1) My Business Mission – “Make the World a healthier, and happier place” – my aim is to help as many people as possible get fit, improve their body shape and lead a healthier and happier life during the process.

Whether they are a client or not it doesn’t matter, if I can help someone through my blogs or in a day to day interaction, on the train, or a bus, or in the supermarket, or wherever it doesn’t matter! I want to help people regardless of whether or not they want to do business with me. To me it’s much more than just making a profit. It’s about providing value and enriching the lives of others in anyway I can.

2) My Personal Mission – “I’m on a mission to become the best version of me, so I can help others become the best versions of themselves” . By investing and developing myself I know that I can pass this on and help other people in their own lives. This core philosophy drives me to keep learning, so I can grow and pass on wisdom/value to others.

Sharing is caring 

If you’re passionate about something and have knowledge on the subject then share it! I believe that all of us have knowledge and wisdom which can help others.

One of the things that’s helped my business over the last few years is providing free content to the world. I write because I love what I do, and I love sharing tips and stories! Subsequently my business has benefitted too.

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