LEP Fitness


5 ‘Business Books’ every personal trainer MUST read…


A great personal trainer but struggles to pay the bills…

5 ‘Business Books’ every personal trainer MUST read…

It’s all well and good knowing about the human anatomy, and advanced dieting strategies, but if you’re not clued up when it comes to business you’re missing a trick!

Just because you’re a fantastic personal trainer does not make you a great business person! In fact I know a lot of great coaches who really know their sh*t, but are barely able to pay the bills! On the opposite side of the spectrum, there are bad coaches making a lot of money because they’re good at business.

What about meeting in the middle…being a sh*t hot personal trainer and successful at business too? Imagine being a coach who drastically changes the lives of your clients and makes a lot of money. Sounds pretty good right? Well, I want to play a part in helping you achieve this and that’s why i’ve written this article.

Book Loving…

In my last post on this topic I shared “10 BOOKS EVERY PERSONAL TRAINER MUST READ” – this covered a range of books, mainly focusing on the technicalities of coaching, nutrition, and anatomy. The article put forth today, however focuses solely on the ‘business side’ of personal training.

Over the past 6 years i’ve read hundreds of books on self development, business, coaching, you name it! In this post I share 5 ‘Business Books’ every personal trainer MUST read – these in my opinion are the ones that have helped me the most and I know they’ll help you too…

5 ‘Business Books’ every personal trainer MUST read…

The E Myth


What a book! This book makes you think of your business in it’s entirety: marketing, staff, systems, finances, basically every aspect of business that’s absolutely imperative to it’s success. Throughout the book it tells a story of a small business owner who goes from a small business to growing a number of shops. It takes you through each step and provides you with a practical method for building a real business with strategies and systems. Buy the book here

Good to Great


What separates great companies from the good companies? What makes them stand out from the crowd, and keeps them in business for the foreseeable future. In this book Jim Collins investigates 11 of the most successful businesses, breaking them down and explaining what makes them successful so you can copy their methods. Buy the book here

5 Star Service


A very easy read with plenty of tips explaining what you need to do to deliver exceptional customer service. As a personal trainer this is extremely important, the aim is not to satisfy your clients but to delight them! This book gives you the tools you need to use in your business to create a 5 star service, which will keep your customers happy and keep them coming back for more! Buy the book here



Do you want more customers than you can handle? Do want there to be a cue of people lining up to do business with you? Who doesn’t want this? Daniel Priestley explains how to attract the right clients, and how to get your business to become oversubscribed. As a personal trainer you probably don’t need any more than 30 sessions per week to become fully booked. That’s around 10-15 clients needed. Imagine having 10-15 new enquires every month and having to turn away business because you’ve got no room. That’s an amazing position to be in as a personal trainer. This book teaches you a method for achieving such a result! Buy the book here

Start with Why


I’m listening to this book at the moment, it’s the third time i’ve read/listened to it. It’s a great book which makes you think about the message of your business. It’s about ‘Why’ you’re in business, the philosophy, the legacy and the mission of your endeavour. It talks about hugely successful businesses like Apple and breaks down the reasons for why people buy into their brand. It’s much more than the product, it’s about the ‘Why’. As Simon Sinek says “people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it”. It’s a must read book for any personal trainer. Buy the book here

Further Help…

If you haven’t already i’d also recommend checking out my 5 post series “50 ESSENTIAL TIPS FOR PERSONAL TRAINERS AND PT BUSINESS OWNERS” – I share some absolute knowledge bombs to help you grow your personal training business, stand out from the crowd, get amazing results and make some bacon (£).

You can check out the full series below:


meditations with nick screetoni and LEP Fitness - sheffield personal trainer

